Saturday, April 28, 2018

10 Things You Should Know About Avengers-Infinity War No Spoilers

If you’re on your way out to see the movie-skip this and get going, you won’t regret it. If you still have a few hours before showtime, here are 10 things you might want to know before you go.

1.    The movie is long.

2.     It received a lower Rotten Tomatoes score than several other marvel movies including Thor Ragnarok and Black Panther. But in its defense, back story had to be woven into it to sew all the character together. So its forgivable.

3.     Thanos is by far the most dangerous character the Avengers have ever faced and can hold his own in every battle.

4.     Thanos is also a well-constructed character. He’s no megalomaniac, spouting over-the-top threats. He has a clear plan and is determined to see it through, regardless of the personal pain it brings him.

5.     Several Marvel characters are brutally murdered by him.

6.     The movie has a lot of very funny jokes in the early stages but becomes intensely solemn as the body count increases.
7.     When one’s emotions like empathy and compassion outweigh one’s sense of responsibility disaster is imminent. Three major Marvel characters choose emotion over responsibility with horrific results.
8.     Some of the trailers are misleading. In the trailers the Hulk is featured in the Battle of Wakanda, in the movie he is not, but Bruce Banner is.
9.     During the Movie Nick Fury attempts to contact Captain Marvel, a female super—hero supposedly for the sequel who is said to be the most powerful of all the Marvel characters. I read Marvel comics for thirty years and never heard of her.
10. Spider-Man is supposed to be around 15 years old. Yet he is portrayed as if he were 10. If you’ve ever raised a teenager (I raised 2) you know they are rebellious, sullen, angry, pains-in -the-asses, spoiling for a fight. Instead Peter is following Stark around like his lap dog, begging for approval. It was endearing in the beginning but now it’s just annoying.
That being said, Avengers Infinity War brings it all together for a hell of a ride with a startling conclusion. Well worth your time. There is so much packed into this movie you might want to see it twice to pick up on all it has to offer.

If you are a fan of the Marvel movies this is a must see. And the sooner the better because I guarantee the spoilers will be coming at a furious rate and may ruin many of the best parts of the movie for you.