Monday, April 15, 2019

Game of Thrones Review Season 8 Premier

Game of Thrones Review Season 8 Premier
Quite the Disappointment

Like all Game of Thrones fans, I was anxiously awaiting the Season 8 Premier. TV cranked up, HBO on, snacks at the ready and recliner chair in perfect position.
On comes the stirring and majestic theme music…
But wait…
It sounds a bit different. Less majestic, less powerful, less resounding.
This is a kinder, gentler, more compassionate version.
Scooby says, “Rut-row!”
It seems my greatest fears have been realized. I’ll explain.
The series has surpassed the George R.R. Martin Novels. Therefore, what we are seeing now is not a screenplay of the original work, but instead new stories written by the GOT team. Meaning Hollywood.
And that is what’s going to ruin it.
The premier was predominately a snore. Lots of shots of soldiers marching, Jon and Daenerys glazing lovingly into each other’s eyes. Sensa making snotty comments and the main characters getting together with a lot of “How’s it going and how have you been?”
There was one good line. When Sensa asks “What do Dragon’s eat? Daenerys replies, “Whatever they want.”
Good one!
So, let’s start with who will win the Throne.
In my opinion, Jon Snow, without a doubt. Here’s why.
When Sam tells John, he is the rightful heir and that Daenerys killed his father and brother. (This is not a spoiler; you already knew this) Jon says he too has killed those who were disloyal. But then Sam says, ‘But you also spared some too.’ This makes Jon more compassionate and therefore in Hollywood’s eyes, the most deserving.
Hold on there, little buddy!
Jon was killed for the very same reason by the very same type of people he’s come to protect now. And of course, he’s dead.
 But, you say, he was resurrected by the Red Witch and so he’s good to go.
Resurrected by the most evil and vile creature in the series. Remember what she had Daddy do to his loving little girl?
 Generally, when some horrific creature restores your life, there’s always some evil payback involved.
I’m waiting…
Since Jon is dead, why didn’t he turn into a Whyte Walker? He’s clearly a zombie. Can he even be killed?
 And what about Daenerys, the mother of Dragons, The Kaleesi?
Well now that Jon can ride a dragon, what do we need her for? She only came from being made a slave to a queen and leader of the largest army in the Seven Kingdoms.
 True, but she’s not as compassionate and forgiving as Jon, so she clearly can’t rule the seven Kingdoms.
Because in Hollywood, compassion and empathy outweighs any other factor.
I could be wrong. But I doubt it.
However, the GOT team has certainly earned a ‘wait and see’ judging by the spectacular work they’ve done so far and I’ll continue to watch till the end.