Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Finding a Profitable Niche

   We’re talking money, right?

   That’s why we’re getting into affiliate marketing in the first place. You find the products people are actively looking for, provide a link to that location, they buy the product, you make money.

   Simple enough, so where are these products? That’s not a simple question. There are many types of products, from services, to software to physical objects. You know, the kind you buy and lug home.  

   Today I’m going to talk about physical products.

   But first, let’s make sure we have the basic tools to make this work. To make money at affiliate marketing you will need two things to get started 1) a business email address 2) a website.

   There is no way around this. If you’re going to make money at this you will need those two things. A business email address is simple and free.  Go to www.google.com and click on gmail on the toolbar. Or www.MSN.comwww.msn.com  if you prefer, or www.yahoo.comwww.yahoo.com  or www.AOL.com  It doesn’t matter. They’re all Free and only take a couple of minutes to set up. You don’t have to use your name or anything, something like captainahab1964234@gmail.com would be fine. So just do it and let’s get this show on the road.

   Second, a website that the inexperienced person will have no problem using. No problem there either. Go to Wealthy Affiliate http://goo.gl/WAv9j look around get a feel for the place and use the new email address you just set up and join. It’s free! They walk you through the set up and you can have your own site up and running in about a half hour.

   Seriously, it’s very simple. Just follow their step-by-step instructions and you will have a functioning web business that you can market from that very day.

   Okay. Let’s move on to marketing physical products.

   Why ‘Physical Products’ you ask? Well, let me first mention that Amazon.com makes on average, 68 MILLION DOLLARS A DAY! EVERYDAY!

   And you can have some of that. Not very much but a piece of the pie! In fact you can have a piece of just about everybody’s pie, simply by becoming an affiliate.

   I’ll give you an example. On the top right of this page you will see an ad for Photo Shop Elements. It’s an absolute necessity if you are planning to design a book cover for your novel.

   So here’s how it works. One of my niches is self publishing. I know a lot about the topic and can teach anyone how to publish a professionally written novel with a professionally designed cover for about a quarter of what vanity presses and print on demand companies charge. But in order to save big money, some small purchases must be made. For example: You will need the Microsoft WORD program if you don’t already have it installed on your computer. You will also need Photoshop Elements. I will have both products available for purchase on my site.

   The price of both products is the same as it is at Amazon, to only difference is when you click on and purchase that Photoshop Elements from my page, I get a cut. No harm in that.

   Now the thing is as an Amazon affiliate you can feature any of their products on your site. Some people’s site have nothing but products for their niche. And people like to visit those sites because its one stop shopping for all the stuff they want.

   Here’s another advantage. Convenience. If something is difficult to get at a store, their next stop is online. Another good product to feature is one that addresses urgency. For example: What to do if … Your credit card is stolen…. A friend borrows your car and totals it while drunk… Your spouse gives you a STD. They go to Google, type in their concern and BINGO, your answer to their problem is right there for them to buy.

   Another way to get customers is to feature a product with a great sales page. Great sales pages address the customer’s needs. Is the page engaging? Does it list the advantages of buying the product, would you buy it? Does it have testimonials? Does it provide proof that it works? Does it have an ironclad money back guarantee?
Here’s an article that provides the 10 essentials for a top notch sales page  http://www.copyblogger.com/successful-sales-pages/

   Here’s another advantage. If you send a customer to a Amazon page and they don’t buy your featured product, you will get credit for any product they do buy! Commissions are between 4-6%.

   Here’s the thing. I send them to Amazon to buy Photoshop Elements. They don’t, instead they buy a sectional couch for a couple of grand.


   Seriously, is there any reason NOT to affiliate market?

   Plus, most big companies offer affiliate marketing commissions. Walmart does, so does Target. Just go to the main website of any company whose products you might want to feature and scroll to the bottom. Click on Affliates, sign up and they’ll give you a link to post on your site. Anytime anyone clicks that link and buys the product you get money.

   Once you get the hang of it you’ll want to create a lot of pages featuring products because the more products the more money. Then scale up the ones that are performing and drop the dead weight.

   Stop by tomorrow and find out more!